Creatives in Schools Round 4 open for applications


Source: New Zealand Government

Kura and schools around New Zealand can start applying for Round 4 of the Creatives in Schools programme, Minister for Education Chris Hipkins and Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage Carmel Sepuloni said today.

Both ministers were at Auckland’s Rosehill Intermediate to meet with the ākonga, teachers and the professional artist taking part in the school’s creative project, named “Matariki in Papakura.”

“The Creatives in Schools programme is a great opportunity for teachers and professional artists to work together and deliver creative learning experiences for ākonga and students,” Chris Hipkins said.

“Using Matariki as their theme, students will learn the process and develop their skills to make ceramic art pieces – from clay preparation, modelling, glazing and processing.

“Whānau and wider community will also be able to participate in the clay workshops and share local stories behind their artworks, fostering greater connections between the school and families at Rosehill.”

Budget 2019 provided $7.16m funding for 304 creative projects from 2020 to 2023. Budget 2020 provided an additional $4m which expanded the number of projects the programme can fund.

“Since Round 1, more than 350 projects have been funded by the programme. This includes the Round 3 schools that have started delivering their projects this year,” Chris Hipkins said.

“General feedback about the programme continues to be positive over past rounds, with students developing their creativity, thinking and social skills as they take part in these creative experiences.

“One of the main standouts from the feedback is the positive contribution it has on student engagement in schools. Anecdotally, we’ve heard from some schools that students who weren’t attending for various reasons have returned specifically to take part in their creative project.

“The creative projects have also supported students’ wellbeing by enabling a safe space for our ākonga to expand their imagination, try something they might not have done before, and express themselves through art.

“We want to see more kura and schools taking part in Creatives in Schools. I encourage them to apply now and take advantage of this opportunity to inspire the next generation of artists, creators and innovators.”

Carmel Sepuloni said a thriving creative arts sector is crucial to lifting the cultural identity of New Zealand.

“By fostering and empowering the creative identities of our ākonga and showing them career opportunities and pathways in the arts and creative industries, this programme ensures the continued growth of rising talents in the sector.

“Schools and their creative partners can jointly apply for up to $17,000 for their project. The programme covers a wide range of art forms including ngā toi Māori, visual arts, digital, fashion, performance arts, and Pacific arts. Up to 200 projects will be selected in Round 4 for delivery in 2023.

“The programme also provides additional employment opportunities for creative professionals, which helps offset some of the lost employment and income because of COVID-19.

“It’s been amazing to have witnessed first-hand the role of the arts in bringing communities together – be it artists, students, teachers, and whānau.

“This is a fantastic opportunity for our many talented artists and creative practitioners across the motu, particularly those who have lost income due to COVID-19, to share their specialist creative expertise with local kura and schools.” 


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