Source: Auckland Council
Aotea / Great Barrier Island is taking another positive step towards achieving the Zero Waste 2040 target with Claris Landfill transitioning to become the Aotea Transfer Station on 1 July.
Most recyclable and reusable items are already going straight to the Community Recycling Centre (CRC), but the transfer station will allow for all remaining waste going to the site to be sorted to ensure maximised diversion from landfill. The aim is to minimise volumes needing to be shipped to a landfill on the mainland, and with this in mind residents are urged; reduce, reuse, and recycle as much as possible.
Senior Contract Development & Engagement Advisor Helen McCabe says that local residents are already doing a great job with their waste reduction and recycling efforts, and are now being asked to lift it to the next level.
“With Claris Landfill nearing capacity for waste to be buried, council has investigated options and are transitioning the landfill into the Aotea Transfer Station. We believe that currently this is the best solution available.
We took into consideration land availability, resource consenting requirements, and the ongoing costs associated with both open and closed landfills, and the establishment of a new landfill on the island was not considered viable.
Opening a transfer station is a better choice for the environment, contributing positively to ongoing efforts to reduce resources going into landfill.”
McCabe adds that there will likely be added costs to residents for waste which needs to be sent to the mainland, but it is too early to say how much and when the cost will be implemented. Residents will be updated should any changes come into effect.
Aotea / Great Barrier Island has already taken some other positive steps towards reaching the Zero Waste to landfill 2040 goal. This includes establishment of the Anamata Resource Recovery shop, local businesses reducing glass waste, second-hand clothing shops diverting quality items from landfill, and boaties and visitors being educated to take their waste back home with them.
The opening of Aotea Transfer Station will not affect existing waste services. Waste can still be dropped off, and roadside waste collections will remain the same. The Aotea CRC and Anamata Resource Recovery Shop will also continue to accept reusable and recyclable goods.
A letter containing helpful information on the waste services and how to minimise waste will be sent to Aotea / Great Barrier Island residents in July.
For more information visit or contact the Aotea / Great Barrier Island Service Centre on 09 429 0258.