Source: Covid-19 New Zealand Government Announcements
Update from the Ministry of Health
COVID-19 deaths
Today we are sadly reporting the deaths of 27 people with COVID-19. Twenty-two of these people have died in the past 5 days, and 5 have died since 29 March.
Today’s reported deaths take the total number of publicly reported deaths with COVID-19 to 1,294 and the 7-day rolling average of reported deaths is 14.
Of the people whose deaths we are reporting today: 9 were from the Auckland region, 3 were from Waikato, 1 was from Lakes DHB area, 1 from Taranaki; 1 from MidCentral, 5 from the Wellington region; 1 from Nelson-Marlborough; 4 from Canterbury and 2 from the Southern region.
One person was in their 40s; 2 in their 60s, 7 in 70s; 9 in their 80s and 8 were aged over 90.
Of these people, 14 were women and 13 were men.
This is a very sad time for whānau and friends and our thoughts and condolences are with them.
Out of respect, we will be making no further comment on these deaths.
Read the full update on today’s cases | (external link)