Budget 22 – ProCare welcomes big boost in PHARMAC budget, however is it enough?


Source: MIL-OSI Submissions
Source: ProCare

Leading healthcare provider ProCare has today welcomed the big boost to PHARMAC funding, being the biggest in history, however questions whether it is enough, given inflation is sitting at 6.9%.

Bindi Norwell, Group Chief Executive at ProCare says: “ProCare is pleased to see the biggest budget increase for PHARMAC in 30 years, and we hope that this will help more New Zealanders access the medication they require to live a healthy life.”

Dr Allan Moffitt, Clinical Director at ProCare says: “While we see consultation has begun for a number of proposals to fund drugs for breast and blood cancer, multiple sclerosis, hormone replacement, and HIV, we would like to see what developments occur over the next 12 to 24 months regarding additional medications to be added to the list.

“We acknowledge the great work PHARMAC does and recognise that there will always be some medicines and treatments that are not feasible to fund or secure. However, New Zealand is falling behind the rest of the world when it comes to some standard treatments for somewhat common disorders/diseases, such as trikafta for cystic fibrosis, or continuous glucose monitors for type one diabetics,” concludes Moffitt.

About ProCare

ProCare is a leading healthcare provider that aims to deliver the most progressive, pro-active and equitable health and wellbeing services in Aotearoa. We do this through our clinical support services, mental health and wellness services, virtual/tele health, mobile health, smoking cessation and by taking a population health and equity approach to our mahi. As New Zealand’s largest Primary Health Organisation, we represent a network of general practice teams and healthcare professionals who provide care to more than 830,000 people. These practices serve the largest Pacific and South Asian populations enrolled in general practice and the largest Māori population in Tāmaki Makaurau. For more information go to www.procare.co.nz


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