Source: MIL-OSI Submissions
Source: ProCare
Tāmaki Makaurau’s primary mental health and wellbeing service, ProCare Fresh Minds, is supportive of the additional budget earmarked in today’s budget announcement for Mental Health and Addiction support.
$100 million has been budgeted to increase availability of specialist mental health and addiction services to help support people with specific needs in targeted areas across the country.
Tania Wilson, General Manager at ProCare Fresh Minds says: “Over the last two years, we have seen an increasing number of clients coming through with anxiety issues, particularly in young adults and new mothers.
“Focusing on strengthening primary and community care, and our specialist service will help ease pressure on the already overloaded mental health services across the country. We look forward to seeing what this extended budget can help achieve over the coming years, as we continue to focus on extending our primary mental health and addiction support offerings,” continues Wilson.
The extended support for programmes such as Mana Ake ($90 million) and Piki ($12.25 million) is promising in showing that a focus has further shifted to early intervention and prevention for mental health issues with New Zealand’s youth.
The mental health of many New Zealanders has suffered over the past few years, largely in part due to COVID-19 and the decreased social interactions and social support that we would otherwise be used to.
Bindi Norwell, Group Chief Executive at ProCare says: “It is promising to see a more holistic approach being taken toward mental health and wellbeing, with a specific focus on our youth population. Providing our tamariki the skills and support to deal with issues early, will hopefully enable them to carry these skills with them through life, and build a more resilient New Zealand.”
Fresh Minds
ProCare Fresh Minds is a leading provider of primary mental health and wellbeing support in Aotearoa New Zealand. Fresh Minds provides psychology support services for individuals in-person and online and in a variety of settings including Fresh Minds centres, schools, the community and in General Practice. Fresh Minds is supported by comprehensive clinical governance, expertise and rigorous systems to ensure the support is of the highest quality.