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Source: Human Rights Commission

Te Kahui Tika Tangata Human Rights Commission welcomes moves by the government to strengthen its international human rights systems. This will involve the establishment of a high level “National Mechanism” with Ministerial oversight.

Chief Human Rights Commissioner Paul Hunt supports the move to strengthen New Zealand’s international human rights reporting and monitoring saying “this outcome reflects much work done within government as well as the advocacy of the Commission and others in support of such processes for many years.”

In its 2018 report to the UN Human Rights Council under the Universal Periodic Review, the Commission recommended that the government develop a mechanism and procedural measures to strengthen consistency with international human rights obligations.

The cabinet paper notes the intention to build up the National Mechanism over time in consultation with civil society, Māori and the wider public. 

“Regular, inclusive engagement by the mechanism with tangata whenua and tangata tiriti organisations and individuals will be an essential factor in ensuring its success,” said Hunt.

The Commission looks forward to future discussions with the government on the development of the national mechanism.