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Source: Auckland Council

Waiheke’s draft climate action plan, funded by the Waiheke Local Board, is now open for community feedback. 

The Waiheke Local Climate Action Plan supports local action to reduce emissions, manage the impacts of climate change and will help make the island’s communities more resilient. It was developed as a local response to the Auckland Climate Plan: Te Taruke a Tawhiri.

Auckland Council Low Carbon Specialist Liz Ross says the draft action plan builds on over 60 climate action related projects already underway on the island, a mix of community and business-led initiatives, and Waiheke Local Board, Auckland Council and CCO projects.

“The draft plan brings together these projects into one cohesive framework providing a road map for Waiheke to become a carbon positive community.”

A plan for the community

“We’re the fifth local board to develop a local climate action plan. We developed the draft alongside our communities – local organisations, businesses, schools, mana whenua and mataawaka that are already involved in sustainable and low carbon living initiatives.

“One of our board’s key priorities is to meaningfully and effectively respond to climate change,” says Chair Handley.

“It’s important that Waiheke residents have their say on whether they think the draft plan is headed in the right direction.

“We want to hear what you think about the proposed targets, goals and actions. It will take all of us working together to take bold and ambitious action on climate change and for Waiheke to become a shining example in this space.”

The draft plan contains flagship projects and local actions under eight priority areas; natural environment, built environment, economy, community and coast, Māori outcomes, transport, food, energy and industry.

These projects are contributing to the regional goal of halving carbon emissions by 2030 and becoming net carbon positive by 2040 with carbon drawdown greater than emissions.

Many projects are already underway including the following flagship projects:

  • Urban Ngāhere (Forest) Grow Plan
  • Waiheke Marine Project
  • Healthy Homes on Waiheke Programme
  • Public transport 100% electric by 2030
  • Progressing pedestrian and cycle links and infrastructure outlined in the Waiheke 10-year Transport Plan
  • Waiheke Destination Plan
  • Waiheke Green House Gas Inventory Model
  • Piritahi Marae Māra Kai model gardens
  • Waiheke Kai Charter.

Read the draft plan and have your say online by 29 October 2021 at:

You can request a hardcopy feedback form by emailing: