Alice in Wonderland


Source: Auckland Council

After the runaway success of The Importance of Being Earnest, we are excited to announce our next Classic Theatre Experience: Alice in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll.

Join us at the Aotea Centre for the classic surrealist tale, adapted to the stage with the utmost care to retain the magic of the original novel.

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, first published in 1865, is a favourite that spans generations, due to its fantastical chorus of characters and dense metaphorical imagery.

It is, at once, a children’s story about growing up, full of puns and wordplay, and also a collection of fables describing the search for identity in Victorian society.

We are so excited to introduce you to our cast and crew, so keep an eye on our social pages for backstage snippets, competitions and pop up parties.

You can join us for a Mad Hatters Tea Party in Aotea Square, and play Croquet with the Queen of Hearts… stay tuned for the details.


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