Let’s Get Wellington Moving Programme Director moving to new role


Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

After 18 months of leading the Let’s Get Wellington Moving Programme, Director Andrew Body has opted to stand aside from his current position, and will move in to a role focussed on providing advice and support within the Public Private Partnerships and Special Projects portfolio at Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency.

The Let’s Get Wellington Moving Programme Board thanks Mr Body for his work in leading the programme, including during the current transitional period where he has worked to help embed the changes recommended by the independent health check released earlier this month, and to set the programme up for future success. 

The Board says the programme is progressing with the changes recommended by the independent health check, including recruiting for several key positions to ensure the programme is well resourced to deliver on what will be an enormous amount of work over the next 20 years. 

In addition to the recruitment of new positions, changes are also being progressed to streamline decision-making and simplify the programme’s governance structure, reduce the number of governance layers, and improve collaboration between the partners and programme. 

The Board will look to appoint an Acting Programme Director in the coming weeks to replace Mr Body. 

The appointment of an independent chairperson to the Let’s Get Wellington Moving Partnership Board, also recommended by the independent health check, is also expected to be made in the coming weeks.



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