Source: Environmental Protection Authority
Public submissions are now open on an application to draw an additional 150 million litres of water a day from the Waikato River for Auckland City’s water supply network.
An application, initially for an additional 200 million litres a day of water, was lodged by Auckland Council’s Watercare Services Limited (Watercare) in 2013 with the Waikato Regional Council.
In June last year, the Environment Minister “called in” the application, deeming it to be a proposal of national significance under the Resource Management Act 1991 and referring it to a Board of Inquiry for decision.
Since the call in, Watercare has reduced the proposed take to an additional 150 million litres a day and made minor amendments to the associated consents that form part of the application.
The application is for all resource consents associated with the construction, operation and maintenance of a new water intake and new discharge structure on the bed of the Waikato River. It also includes the taking of surface water using that intake, and discharges of water, air and river material into the Waikato River adjacent to the site of Watercare’s existing Water Treatment Plant near Tuakau.
Anyone can make a submission regarding the Watercare Waikato River water take application. Submissions must be received by the EPA before 5.00 pm on Friday 26 March 2021.
Information on making a submission
Read more information about Watercare’s proposal
The Environmental Protection Authority’s role in the process
The EPA provides administrative support services to the Board of Inquiry. This ranges from managing the public consultation, organising the logistics of the hearing, to commissioning specialist advice to assist the board.