Stats NZ: Improvements to gross domestic product – methods paper


Source: MIL-OSI Submissions

Improvements to gross domestic product – Methods paper

3 December 2020

Improvements to gross domestic product provides technical users with information about upcoming changes to data and methods applied to the forthcoming release of Gross domestic product: September 2020 quarter (scheduled for 17 December 2020). In particular, this paper will provide an early indication of the impact of incorporating detailed data from the balanced annual national accounts on our volume estimates of annual economic growth.

In the September 2020 quarter release of gross domestic product, Stats NZ will incorporate a range of updates to our statistics on quarterly and annual economic growth. The updates will be the result of:

These updates reflect a regular programme of maintaining and enhancing our measurement of quarterly and annual economic growth. Such updates are implemented into Gross domestic product each September quarter.

Please note that changes to seasonal adjustment methods in Gross domestic product mentioned in 2020 national accounts improvements preview have been deferred to a later date. This is to allow time to provide some further information about the proposed changes. Further information about this will be provided in the paper.

Visit our website to read this methods paper:


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