Audit reports released on VTA delegation


Source: Environmental Protection Authority

Under the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996, public health units have the delegated power to grant permissions to operators intending to use VTAs in areas where drinking water is drawn from, or where a public health risk may exist.

As part of our oversight of this delegation, in June 2019 we audited processes and procedures relating to the granting of these VTA permissions in three public health units. We found all were responsive and committed to ensuring appropriate and robust systems are in place when considering VTA operations.

The findings of the audits are generally administrative but they do highlight areas for system improvements, which the public health units have each undertaken to address.  

This is the first time we have published these reports. As part of the EPA’s open book policy, these will now routinely be published.

MidCentral District Health Board public health service audit report (pdf, 687 KB)
Toi Te Ora Public Health audit report (pdf, 607 KB)
Waikato District Health Board public health unit audit report (pdf, 693 KB)

Find out more about permissions to use VTAs


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