Taxpayers’ Union wishes Nikki Kaye well in her life after politics


Source: Taxpayers Union

Taxpayers’ Union wishes Nikki Kaye well in her life after politics
The New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union thanks Hon Nikki Kaye for her twelve years of service in politics and wishes her well for her future career. The following can be attributed to Union spokesperson Jordan Williams:“Ms Kaye was the first and so far only National candidate to win Auckland Central in 90 years, and she did it four times. She later became National’s youngest female Minister. In Government she served in a number of Ministerial roles, including Minister of Education. Recently. she rose to become Deputy Leader of the Opposition.“Despite having spent over 15 years in Parliament, Ms Kaye is still young. We expect her famous work ethic and energy will see her succeed in whatever career path she chooses after Parliament.


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