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Source: New Zealand Plunket Society

The change from Alert level 4 to Alert level 3 sees little change to how Whānau Āwhina Plunket services will be provided to support to tamariki and whānau. Well Child Tamariki Ora services will continue to be delivered virtually, to minimise transmission and support the wider health system COVID-19 effort, until restrictions ease and Plunket is able to resume ‘in person visits’.

There may be a slight change for whānau with tamariki enrolled in one of Plunket’s Early Childhood Centres (ECEs). During Level 3 Plunket ECE’s will re-open for families who need to return to work and cannot work from home. Centre managers are contacting parents to discuss their needs and will advise opening dates and times.

All of Plunket’s other services will continue to be delivered virtually, either over the phone or via video conferencing. This includes access to online parenting programmes and virtual community groups. All families remain enrolled with Plunket and if they have any concerns about their tamariki they are encouraged to reach out to their Plunket Nurse, or to PlunketLine who will provide support and advice and can refer any new Mums or concerned parents to their GP or other services as needed.

PlunketLine is available to provide support 24/7 on 0800 933 922. This website also has lots of handy information to support whānau, and Facebook Live Chats will continue.

29 April 2020