Failure to support businesses with minimum wage hike will cost jobs


Source: Taxpayers Union

The New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union is criticising the Government’s failure to cover the cost to businesses of the minimum wage increase scheduled for April.Taxpayers’ Union spokesperson Islay Aitchison says, “Support for businesses facing the cost of a higher minimum wage was glaringly absent from this afternoon’s announcement.””Minister Robertson acknowledged that a recession in New Zealand is almost inevitable. Now is clearly the worst time to increase the minimum wage — but if they’re determined to go ahead with the hike, failing to provide relief to cover the cost is inexcusable. This will cost Kiwis their jobs — particularly those at large employers who may only see limited relief from the wage subsidy package.””The decision to boost benefits in the immediate term is understandable, but we can expect to see those costs spiral out of control if the Government continues to increase regulatory taxes without providing adequate relief.”


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