NorthTec Welcomes the Future of Nursing


Source: NorthTec

Image: Daniel Manihera – Bachelor of Nursing first-year student

Earlier this week, NorthTec welcomed Northland’s future of nursing onto their Raumanga campus with a whānau day.

The day started with a pōwhiri to officially welcome the Study & Career Preparation, Diploma of Enrolled Nursing and Bachelor of Nursing students on to the NorthTec campus and continued as a chance to inform the students and their whānau of what to expect over the course of their study.

Dr Bev Mackay, NorthTec Nursing Pathway Manager, said the day was about highlighting NorthTec’s support: “The intent is to support our students to be successful in our pathway. In particular, we want to support students who identify as Māori, and their whānau, to be aware of what is involved throughout their studies, and this extends to all students and their families.”

“Whānau play a huge role in students’ study journey. It’s important that they are involved from the beginning of their studies. Our pathway is very supportive – from fellow classmates and tutors, to the support services available to them at NorthTec. We need our students and their whānau to be aware of that right from the beginning of their studies,” she said.

Dr Bev Mackay highlighted the excitement of offering the Diploma in Enrolled Nursing this semester, with classes for the 18-month programme starting in March.

“There is a high need for more Enrolled Nurses in Northland and nationwide due to a shortage of Registered Nurses. Having a second-tier nursing programme alongside our Bachelor of Nursing degree will strengthen the overall nursing workforce and help meet the needs of our communities in Te Tai Tokerau. There are many scholarships still available for this programme, helping to make it more accessible for a lot of people.”

Daniel Manihera is starting his first year of the Bachelor of Nursing. He has worked in Tumanako Mental Health Unit at Northland District Health Board for nearly nine years and says he has a passion to make a positive impact and address disparities and equities within the New Zealand Health system.

“Within the last year or two there has been a big movement that has looked into institutional racism and unconscious bias in the New Zealand health system which is something I definitely want to be part of.

“As an Auxiliary Worker I have been informed by multiple colleagues and members of the community that I have made a positive impact, not only for whaiora and whānau but also for the Mental Health Auxiliary Team and the wider team of Tumanako while in an unregulated role, which is highly fulfilling.

“Now it’s time to make a bigger and more positive impact by having clinical input for our whaiora, whanau and community. I hope by enrolling into the Bachelor of Nursing at my age will have a positive influence on my children, hapu, Iwi, community and the rangatahi of Aotearoa to Kia Kaha, Kia Tu and not to procrastinate like I did for so long, the time is now whānau!”

Stephen Battye is another student starting his first year the Bachelor of Nursing and says it is important to have more male nurses in the industry.

“It’s so important because there are so many different patients with different perspectives. There is a bit of a stigma, but I’ve always been interested in helping people. I like that nurses have more one-on-one patient contact, so you walk through a journey of care with the patient and I believe it’s more holistic.”

Nari Kena is returning to study after leaving school a few years ago and says she is just excited to start the Study and Career Preparation course.

“I am excited to get into my training and getting on track with my studies to become a nurse. I’m following a passion of mine to help people in mental health, to help with drug rehabilitation and addictions.”

Registrations for the Diploma in Enrolled Nursing are still open – click here for more information. The start date of the first programme is 16 March 2020.


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