Health – Advisory: HealthCare NZ workers to protest job cuts in Palmerston North


Source: MIL-OSI Submissions

Source: PSA

Manawatū members and supporters of the Public Service Association will protest in Palmerston North on Thursday February 20th against the proposal by HealthCare NZ to disestablish 200 jobs around the country, and instead centralise services in Auckland.
The 2pm protest will take place outside the back entrance to the HCNZ office at 15 Broadway Avenue.
It is not a strike, but workers who are not rostered on will be attending.
Healthcare NZ provides home care and support to vulnerable people for multiple DHBs, and manages community houses that provide 24-hour support for people with disabilities.
Like most care and support companies, it is privately owned and run for profit using taxpayer money.
The workers affected by this proposal are home support coordinators and admin staff, and service managers for the 24-hour homes.
Media are encouraged to attend and spokespersons can be made available either at the action or by contacting the PSA.


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