New insights into Bay of Islands dolphins


Source: Department of Conservation

Date:  26 March 2025

The Department of Conservation (DOC) today released findings on Te Pēwhairangi (Bay of Islands) Marine Mammal Sanctuary (MMS) and the local bottlenose dolphin population.

The research highlights meaningful opportunities to strengthen conservation efforts.

DOC has dedicated significant time and resources to safeguarding bottlenose dolphins in Te Pēwhairangi/Bay of Islands.

“Bottlenose dolphins are long-lived animals, and population trends take time to shift,” says DOC Northern North Island Regional Operations Director, Sue Reed-Thomas.

“Our focus is on consistent, proactive management, underpinned by science and supported by strong partnerships with hapū and the wider community.

“While the findings recognise areas where progress has been made, they also reveal important gaps in current management approaches that DOC is determined to address.”

DOC is publishing two significant documents that together provide a clearer picture of the pressures on bottlenose dolphins in Te Pēwhairangi/Bay of Islands and outline a practical path forward for their protection.

The first, a science report commissioned by DOC and undertaken by NIWA and the Far Out Ocean Research Collective, describes multiple periods of significant decline in the number of bottlenose dolphins in Te Pēwhairangi over the past 30 years.

Drawing on decades of data, the report highlights the pressures these dolphins face and underscores the need for long-term, evidence-based conservation efforts.

The second document is an internal review evaluating the Bay of Islands Marine Mammal Sanctuary’s effectiveness since its establishment in 2021. Informed by the findings of the science report, as well as compliance, education, and operational data, the review highlights practical steps DOC can take to better protect dolphins and other marine mammals in the sanctuary.

“Both reports give us a clear understanding of the long-term population trends, and how we can adapt and improve our management of the marine mammal sanctuary. It’s about using what we’ve learned to move forward in a meaningful way,” says Sue Reed-Thomas.

DOC’s Bay of Islands operations team has already started work to enhance compliance and enforcement within the marine mammal sanctuary, continue building on the partnerships with local hapū, and expand community engagement and education efforts.

“Together, we can take meaningful steps to ensure these taonga species are protected for generations to come,” says Sue Reed-Thomas.

Background information

Te Pēwhairangi Marine Mammal Sanctuary Review Report (PDF, 538K)

Update on the population and spatial ecology of bottlenose dolphins in the Bay of Islands, March 2025 by NIWA (PDF, 3,606K)


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