Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti
1 day ago
Forty-four graduates from EIT Tairāwhiti proudly crossed the stage at the War Memorial Theatre in Gisborne, marking the culmination of years of dedication and perseverance.
The ceremony, held on Friday, was a moment of celebration not only for the graduates but also for their families, friends, and tutors who supported them through their educational journeys. In total, EIT awarded 407 qualifications to Tairāwhiti-based learners who completed their studies last year.
Among the highlights of the event was the Valedictorian’s address delivered by Bachelor of Teaching (Primary) graduate Heather Glover. Barry Soutar was guest speaker and Gisborne Mayor Rehette Stoltz attended.
EIT Interim Operations Lead Glen Harkness acknowledged the graduates’ efforts and the dedication they put into their studies.
“Graduation is a special milestone, and it’s great to see our graduates celebrating their achievements. They’ve put in the effort and should feel proud of what they have accomplished,” he said. “Their time at EIT has equipped them with valuable skills and knowledge, setting them up for success in their future endeavours. We wish them well as they take their next steps.
Glen also acknowledged the support of tutors and the wider EIT community in preparing graduates for the workforce.
The Tairāwhiti graduation was the first in a series of EIT ceremonies. The Auckland graduation is scheduled for Tuesday, March 25, followed by the Hawke’s Bay graduation on April 11.