Source: New Zealand Transport Agency
Motorists traveling on the Cambridge section of the State Highway 1 (SH1) Waikato Expressway are advised to plan ahead, with a northbound left lane closure scheduled for both Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 March, followed by north and south bound lane closures between Monday 31 March and Friday 4 April.
Motorists can expect delays of up to 20 minutes, and up to 30 minutes at peak travel times.
The closures are needed for contractors to reseal sections of the road prior to the onset of winter, says Roger Brady, NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Maintenance and Operations Regional Manager for Waikato and Bay of Plenty.
“The current condition of this section of the expressway means that under heavy rain, water could get into the pavement and create a large number of potholes. The Government’s Pothole Prevention Fund means that we can undertake the work required now before potholes are created and an important economic route is potentially compromised during the winter.”
“This is a busy section of highway, and we know this work will be disruptive for motorists – especially regular commuters. The surface of the left lanes in both directions is uneven and noisy, and it’s important to complete this work to improve the road surface before the wet winter weather sets in. The left lanes carry higher traffic volumes than the right (passing) lanes, which is why we’re working on them first.
“We’ve worked with our contractors, Fulton Hogan, and determined that lane closures are the safest and most efficient way to carry out this work.”
Before the resurfacing work starts, Fulton Hogan will carry out initial work on a 500 metre northbound section on Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 March between the Victoria Road Interchange and the Peake Road Overbridge.
The road works will begin in earnest on Monday 31 March under left lane closures. This work is expected to be completed by Friday 4 April, subject to weather conditions. There will be 4 work sites repaired – 2 northbound and 2 southbound, with each site up to 8 kilometres long. Crews will focus on one site at a time under 24-hour lane closure – alternating between north and south.
“We’ve factored in the Maadi Regatta, New Zealand’s largest rowing regatta, and will start full work once the event is over to minimise the impact on the Regatta. The initial work is not expected to cause significant delays to those travelling to the event,” says Mr Brady.
Following the work, the lanes will be under temporary traffic management with reduced speed limits. Fulton Hogan will return to carry out further asphalting in April as part of their scheduled maintenance programme.
These works are weather dependent, and people are encouraged to visit the NZTA Journey Planner website for up-to-date information on the works, before setting off. For those travelling long distances on State Highway 1, there will be some lane closures on the Ngāruawāhia section of the Waikato Expressway, and further south there are 2 road closures; 1 between Putāruru and Lichfield and the other between Ātiamuri and Wairakei.
Journey Planner(external link)
NZTA thanks road users for their patience while we carry out these important works.