Source: New Zealand Transport Agency
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) and Auckland Transport (AT) advise work to replace the existing broken culvert and other upgrades to alleviate flood risk on Great North Road in Warkworth will get underway later this month.
From Monday 31 March to Friday 11 April, the road will be closed 24/7 between the Hill Street and Hudson Road intersections.
Work will take place between 7.30am and 6.30pm, Monday to Saturday. Some overnight work may be required and will be communicated to nearby residents in advance, with contractors working hard to minimise noise and disruption as much as possible.
Northbound traffic will be detoured via Matakana Road and Te Honohono Ki Tai Road. Southbound traffic will take the same detour, in reverse. The detour route is expected to add approximate 4 minutes to people’s journeys.
Please be patient and treat our crews with kindness and respect. Reduce your speed, adhere to the temporary speed limits and follow the traffic management directions at our work sites.
The 995, 998, and 999 bus will be detoured via Hudson Road during the closure. The park-and-ride will remain open with a temporary bus stop inside.
This work is weather dependent and there may be changes to the planned works in the case of unsuitable weather.
Access for emergency services and local residents will be maintained throughout the closure.
This project is part of works to return the old State Highway 1 to AT following the opening of the Ara Tūhono – Pūhoi to Warkworth motorway.
People should visit the NZTA Journey Planner website ( link)) for up-to-date information on the works.
NZTA and AT thank everyone for their patience while this important work is completed.