Source: ACT Party
“It’s official: the economy is growing,” says ACT Leader David Seymour in response to new gross domestic product figures from Stats NZ showing 0.7 percent growth in the three months to December.
“Firms, farms, and families have made tough sacrifices in a cost-of-living crisis, but now they’re starting to see the fruits of their efforts. Inflation is under control, interest rates are getting lower.
“The economy returned to growth last year and is growing further. The Government must keep saving so there’s more for everyone to spend.
“As households have more money to spend, and businesses gain confidence to invest and employ, we’ll see more growth, better paying jobs, and more reasons for the next generation to build families and careers in New Zealand.
“With ACT in Government, we’re doing our part to speed along the recovery, cutting waste in Wellington and stripping back red tape that stops Kiwis from being productive. Let’s stay the course.”