Source: New Zealand Transport Agency
Next week’s planned southbound closure of a stretch of State Highway 1 near Foxton will now take place the following week (Monday 24 to Friday 28 March).
The closure is part of work on the Levin to Foxton safety improvements project.
As a result, the southbound lane will be OPEN as usual next week from the southern entrance to Foxton through to the intersection with Oturoa Road.
During the week between 24 and 28 March, crews will be onsite between 9am and 3pm weekdays.
The road will remain open to northbound traffic.
A signposted detour will be in place for southbound road users, who will be detoured left onto Union Street and into Foxton Shannon Road, onto State Highway 57, through to Queen Street East, and back to State Highway 1 in Levin. Detour signage will be in place.
While northbound traffic will remain on the highway, a reduced speed limit will be in place. The detour route is expected to add an additional 15 minutes to journey times.
NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi wants to thank people for their understanding during this work. A one-way closure allows crews to complete the work as efficiently as possible, minimising ongoing disruption to motorists.
The lane closure is necessary to allow crews to complete a second coat seal on the highway and undertake some remedial tasks.
When we rebuild a section of the road and apply a chipseal finish we need to come back later to carry out a second coat seal. This locks in the seal to make it waterproof, keeps it stronger and safer for longer, and helps reduce the likelihood of flushing occurring.
About the project
This work follows the completion of Stage 2 of the SH1 Levin to Foxton safety improvements project. Stage 2 saw flexible median and turnaround facilities constructed at Oturoa and Koputaroa roads. A small section of side barrier was also installed on the southbound lane just south of the Oturoa Road intersection to prevent vehicles driving into a ditch.