Stretch of SH3, Woodville to close during Te Ahu a Turanga roundabout work


Source: New Zealand Transport Agency

As the Te Ahu a Turanga: Manawatū-Tararua Highway project nears completion, sections of State Highway 3 through Woodville will be closed for up to 5 weeks to allow for the completion of the new roundabout.

SH3 at the Vogel Street / Woodlands Road bend will be closed 24/7 for 5 weeks from Monday 24 February.

The work is expected to be completed by Sunday 30 March and the road reopened.

Access to Woodville township and its businesses will remain open during the closure period. Residents in the construction area will continue to have access to and from their properties.

Two detours will be in place – through Pinfold and Oxford Roads for light vehicles and through Pahiatua Track via Tay and Station streets in Woodville for heavy vehicles.

The detours are expected to add less than 5 minutes to the journey times for light vehicles and up to 20 minutes for heavy vehicles.

During the closure period, construction teams will connect the new roundabout to the existing roads, working onsite between the hours of 5am and 8pm.

In addition to the roundabout work, we are planning to undertake some maintenance and resurfacing works on SH3 Napier Road near Ashhurst and SH3 Vogel St in Woodville. This will be undertaken during the same period to minimise overall disruption.

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi acknowledges this closure will cause frustration for some road users.

“Once this work is finished, there’ll be a safe, reliable connection between Woodville and the new highway. It will also mark a major milestone as the whole project draws closer to completion,” says Project spokesperson Grant Kauri.

“Thanks to all road users for their patience while these essential works are completed.”

For more information about the Te Ahu a Turanga project, please head to :

Te Ahu a Turanga project page


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