Two separate whale strandings in the South Island this weekend


Source: Department of Conservation

Date:  19 January 2025

Pod of whales stranded in Golden Bay, DOC and Project Jonah responding

Attribute to Andrew Lamason, DOC Acting Operations Manager Golden Bay

“We had a report come in yesterday afternoon of a pod of whales close to shore near Pakawau.  Our ranger who lives nearby was tracking them.

The pod of whales moved northward and stranded near Taupata Stream.

A large pod of whales had stranded and several were swimming nearby. They are pilot whales and are a range of ages and sizes.

Of those stranded, one passed away very quickly.

Our team and Project Jonah volunteers were out with the whales until dark last night. This includes several Project Jonah medics, their help is always greatly appreciated.

DOC Rangers and Project Jonah volunteers have been at the site from first light this morning. Gusty easterly winds are not making things easy.

We will be looking after the remaining whales until the tide turns around 2 pm. We will attempt to re-float them at high tide.”

Whale stranded in New Brighton, Christchurch has been re-floated

Attribute to Andy Thompson DOC Mahaanui Operations Manager

“We received a call around 4:30 pm yesterday of a dolphin stranded in New Brighton.

Local iwi Ngāi Tūāhuriri, DOC, and Project Jonah responded.

It is likely to be a young or juvenile Cuvier’s beaked-whale or an even rarer Gingko whale. Both are deep water species.

At 5:40 pm Project Jonah staff had the whale secured and pointing out to sea. The whale swam out, so it was a successful re-float.

The whale was seen later in the evening, just out behind the breakers.

It is a young and vulnerable whale and we are very hopeful of a successful outcome but we are very mindful it is likely we will see it again somewhere else along the coast.

We would ask the public to report any sightings of the whale to 0800 DOC HOT (0800 362 468).”


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