The Only Nationwide Rainbow Mental Health Service may shut its doors after 50 years in January


Source: OutLine Aotearoa

OutLine Aotearoa is at make or break stage where we will close our doors after 50 years in January 2025 if we cannot find financial resource to run our service. We have been locked out of financial resourcing due to a range of factors. The political targeting of our communities by the current government through legislation. The anti-trans and homophobic rhetoric of this current government has not gone unnoticed by both our community and those who wish us harm. The flow on effects from a heavy right leaning government means a rise in violence against the rainbow communities. It also means many of our funding pools for our services have dried up. What is left is now is so stretched we receive less and less and this year has been the worst we have had.
OUTLine Aotearoa the only nationwide Rainbow specific mental health organisation is seeking support from everyday New Zealanders to continue to operate. As an organisation OUTLine Aotearoa has 8 full time kaimahi who serve rainbow communities across the entire country. Our mental health service ranges from clinical counselling for all ages, a 7 day a week phone and chat service 6pm – 9pm, trans peer support groups across the motu, conversion practices survivor network, rainbow advocacy and mutual aid.
Since this government has come into power, their absolute lack of foresight and absolute failure to use evidence based outcomes, we no longer have the financial reserves to operate. Unless we garner support from the public at this stage instead of celebrating 50 years of peer to peer and clinical mental health support for our people we will close our doors for good. Today we launch a crowdfunding campaign via Raisely in the hopes that 50 years of hard work, connection and SAVING LIVES can continue long into the future. We are heartbroken but we will fight to the very end.


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