Source: Statistics New Zealand
Data about people, families and households, location, and housing from 2023 Census – 50 tables released – 3 December 2024 – Stats NZ today released data tables on a broad range of 2023 Census topics that provide rich insights into society in Aotearoa New Zealand.
These 50 tables allow people to explore the relationship between various census topics, geographic breakdowns, and time periods to get a broader understanding of the make-up of our cultural diversity and how we live. Historically they have been the most popular tables across all census topics.
Examples of these tables in Aotearoa Data Explorer that include data by region are:
- heating used and tenure of household
- industry and occupation by gender and age
- languages spoken, ethnicity, and age
- main means of travel to work and workplace address by age and gender
- household crowding index by ethnicity and age.
- 2023 Census product and release finder contains details of all tables published today, as well as other 2023 Census releases:
Upcoming 2023 Census releases
- 4 December 2024: 2023 Census severe housing deprivation (homelessness) estimates.
From February 2025, topic-based releases will come out monthly. Themes include:
- iwi affiliation and Mâori descent – February
- ethnicity, culture, and identity – March
- housing, families and households (including by ethnicity) – April
- activity limitations and disability indicator – May
- work; income; education and training; transport; relationship status; health (smoking); location and internal migration – June.