Source: Environment Canterbury Regional Council
Find out more about where you’re headed
- You can search for a specific spot or discover new sites by zooming in and out and dragging the map across different areas.
- All the spots displayed are accessible to the public without the need for the landowner’s permission.
- You can also find more about a site’s accessibility (e.g. vehicle or pedestrian), terrain and any obstacles present; public facilities such as toilets, boat ramps or play equipment; key features; links to summer recreation water quality results (where available); and a photo of the location.
Public access to recreation map
Responsibility, respect and safety outdoors
We are committed to providing this information in the context of responsible use and behaviour in the outdoors.
The Walking Access Commission provides a checklist of access rights and responsibilities, which covers topics such as dogs, vehicles, fire risk, caring for the environment and Māori land.
Broadly, it is about being responsible through:
- taking responsibility for your actions
- following any advice or guidance offered
- being considerate and respecting the interests of other people
- caring for the environment
- seeking permission for access to private or Māori land
- earning and respecting the tikanga Māori so that behaviour does not cause cultural offence
- getting the correct permits for hunting and fishing.
There is also useful information on the Department of Conservation’s website on:
More information
If you have questions about the map or would like to provide feedback, please contact us via advisory services or call 0800 324 636.
Environment Canterbury © 2024
Retrieved: 10:14am, Fri 22 Nov 2024