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Source: New Zealand Government

Māori Development Minister Tama Potaka today confirmed the appointment of two new members to the Waitangi Tribunal, as well as the reappointment of Kevin Prime.

The members appointed and reappointed are:

Hon Richard Prebble (CBE). Mr Prebble is a former Cabinet Minister where he held a broad range of portfolios. Since leaving parliament, he has provided pro bono advice to various Māori trusts, hapū, and iwi on a variety of issues. 

Ken Williamson (KStJ). Mr Williamson is a Distinguished Fellow of the Institute of Directors and a Fellow of the Insurance Brokers Association of New Zealand. He has extensive experience as a practitioner and governor in risk prevention, risk management and disaster management.

Kevin Prime (CNZM). (Ngāti Hine, Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Whatua, Tainui) has been reappointed to the Waitangi Tribunal for a second term. Mr Prime is an accomplished and experienced member of the tribunal. He is a current member of several inquiries including the Constitutional Kaupapa Inquiry (Wai 3300).

“Congratulations to Richard and Ken on their appointments, and to Kevin for his reappointment,” Mr Potaka says. 

“These appointments will ensure the tribunal continues to provide a forum to hear and report Māori Treaty claims in a timely manner. They will ultimately support the progress of the Treaty-based Crown-Māori relationship.

“Waitangi Tribunal members bring with them a range of knowledge and skills and are appointed for their broad expertise in the matters that are likely to come before the Tribunal. 

“Ensuring we have a range of talented appointees on tribunals and boards is absolutely key to the delivery of better public services.”

Nō te rangi tonu nei te Minita Whanaketanga Māori, a Minita Tama Potaka, whakatūturungia ai te whakatūngia o ngā mema hōu e rua ki Te Rōpū Whakamana i Te Tiriti o Waitangi, me te whakatūngia anō o Kevin Prime.

Ko ngā mema i whakatūngia, i whakatūngia anō hoki ko:

Hon Richard Prebble (CBE). He Mema o mua a Mr Prebble o te Kāhui Minita, i reira ia aratakina ai ngā huihuinga kaupapa whakaehu. Nō tāna wehenga i te pāremata, kua tukuna ōna whakamāherehere utu kore ki ngā tini tiakitanga Māori, ki ngā hapū, me ngā iwi i ngā kaupapa huhua.

Ken Williamson (KStJ). HeTuatangata Ahurei a Mr Williamson nō te Institute of Directors, he Tuatangata hoki ia nō te Insurance Brokers Association of New Zealand. Kua whānui ōna wheako hei mātanga, hei kāwana hoki i te aukatinga tūrarutanga, me te whakaritenga wairuatoa.

Kua whakatūngia anō a Kevin Prime (KStJ). (Ngāti Hine, Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Whatua, Tainui) ki tāna kaupeka tuarua i Te Rōpū Whakamana i Te Tiriti o Waitangi. He mātanga, he ringa rehe hoki a Mr Prime i te taraipiunara. He mema ia nō ngā tini pakirehua, tae rā anō ki te Constitutional Kaupapa Inquiry (Wai 3300).

“E papaki nei ngā tai o whakamānawa ki a Richard rāua ko Ken i te whakatūngia o rāua, ki a Kevin hoki i te whakatūngia anō ōna,” hei tā Tama Potaka. 

“Mā ngā whakatūnga nei e pai tonu ai tā te taraipiunara whakawātea i te pae e rangonga ai, e pūrongotia ai hoki ngā kerēme Tiriti Māori hei ngā wā tika. Korekore ka tokona e rātou te anganga whakamuatanga o te patuitanga ā-Tiriti o te Karauna me te Māori.

“Ko tā ngā mema o Te Rōpū Whakamana i Te Tiriti o Waitangi he tari atu i ngā mātauranga me ngā pūkenga whānui, me te aha anō, ka whakatūngia rātou kei te āhua o te whānui o ngā pūkenga mō ngā kaupapa e tinga nei ka taka mai ki te aroaro o te Rōpū Whakamana.

“Ko te iho o te tukunga pai i ngā ratonga tūmatanui ko te whānui o ngā mātanga ka noho mai ki ngā taraipiunara me ngā poari.”