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Source: Te Whatanui Leka

A rally is planned at Government House in Auckland for Monday the 28th of October, protesting the construction of a sewerage pipeline through a sacred site near Rotorua.

Rotokākahi protectors and supporters will travel to the doorstep of the Governor General to demand the protection of Lake Rotokākahi.

With the controversial project still underway, mana i te whenua are imploring the Governor General to take action.

Rotokākahi Board of Control spokesperson Te Whatanui Leka Skipwith (Tūhourangi) explains:

“The Governor General has administrative responsibilities over Rotokākahi under the Māori Purposes Act.”

“But here in our struggle she has been absent.”

Construction of the pipeline commenced on Monday 19th August, and is being carried out by Fulton Hogan on behalf of the Rotorua Lakes District Council.

The pipeline has attracted criticism from mana i te whenua due to it being built next to Lake Rotokākahi in a location which is wāhi tapu (a sacred heritage site) and puts at risk a pristine ecological environment.

In response, mana i te whenua have been camped at the site for a number of weeks, in what has been described as “another Ihumatao; Te Arawa’s Ihumatao.”

As the project continues, mana whenua and supporters alike are demanding action from the Governor General.

“We have tried to message, we have tried to call and so far there has been no response, so we are coming to your doorstep.”
