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Source: PSA

PSA members will join thousands of workers to take part in nationwide hui on Wednesday 23 October 2024t o fight back against government policies that undermine workers’ rights and Te Tiriti o Waitangi Hui are being held in 13 centres across the country, and will be attended by workers from across a wide range of sectors. 
National Secretary Duane Leo says the Public Service Association Te Pūkenga Here Tikanga Mahi fully supports the October 23 Fight Back Together hui across the motu, alongside other unions. 
“PSA members have been on the receiving end of attacks from the coalition Government, which have led to mass layoffs, cuts to services we all rely on, and relentless attacks on Te Tiriti and Māori rights,” Leo says.
“PSA members come to work every day to make a difference. We help deliver the community, local government, health and public services that keep Aotearoa running. These services ensure everyone gets the support they need to live healthy, safe and empowered lives – not just those who can afford to pay.
“Government cuts and unprecedented attacks on the services we provide are doing long term damage and risk eroding public faith in these services. 
“Workers who keep their jobs are shouldering additional workloads. This has health and safety impacts as well as threats to service delivery. 
“Cutting the jobs and livelihoods of thousands of New Zealanders, scrapping fair pay agreements, reintroducing 90-day trials, and hiring freezes across the health system make this the most anti-worker government we’ve seen in decades. 
“It’s time to fight back together against the Government’s cuts and attacks on Te Tiriti and to fight back together for better investment in public health, community and local government services,” Leo says.