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Source: New Zealand Government

Toitū ngā pōito o te kupenga a Toitehuatahi!

A Government commitment to restoring the health and mauri of the Hauraki Gulf/Tīkapa Moana will enhance the area for generations to come, Minister of Conservation Tama Potaka says.

Cabinet recently agreed to pass the Hauraki Gulf/Tīkapa Moana Marine Protection Bill into law, with amendments. 

“I acknowledge the many years of mahi that have got us to this point. Committing to progressing this Bill means we are targeting our efforts into high-value conservation areas delivering the best outcomes for biodiversity. 

“The Gulf is home to an array of habitats, including biologically important dog cockle beds, kelp forests and fragile coral. One-third of all seabirds that breed in Aotearoa New Zealand nest in the Gulf. 

“We are establishing 19 new marine protection areas that will nearly triple the space protected in the gulf.”

The Bill supports the delivery of the Government’s goals to rebuild the economy and tackle environmental issues.

“The beauty of the Gulf is also an important catalyst for economic benefits including tourism and fishing. A recent assessment by the NZ Institute of Economic Research put the economic value of the Gulf at $100 billion.

“Our amendments also ensure we are putting in place modern marine protection that balances the needs of communities, the environment and the economy. For example, by carefully ensuring the continuation of customary non-commercial fishing rights. 

“Limited ring-net fishing will continue for a small number of fishers in protected areas who supply local communities. This method has very little impoact on the environment beyond the target species.

“Careful monitoring of the effectiveness of the new high protection areas and seafloor protection areas will also be introduced. This is being funderd through the International Visitor Levy and reprioritisation within Vote Conservation.

“By pruning regulation, growing revenue and nurturing the things that matter most, we are securing a future for biodiversity that all New Zealanders can be proud of.”

He Kaupapa Whakamaru Hirahira mō Tikapa Moana

Toitū ngā pōito o te kupenga a Toitehuatahi!

Hei tā te Minita Whāomoomo, mā tā te Kāwanatanga paihere i ngā kaupapa whakahaumanu mō Tīkapa Moana e ora anō ai ia mō ngā whakareanga haere ake nei.

Nō nā tata nei whakaaehia ai e te Kāhui Minita te whakaturengia o te pire Hauraki Gulf/Tīkapa Moana Protection me ētahi panonitanga.

“E whai whakaaro ana au ki te huhua o ngā mahi i ngā tau i pai ai tēnei whakatau. Ko te whakaūngia o tēnei Pire hei ture he tohu o tā mātou mātua aro ki ngā rohenga whāomoomo whai hua nui e tutuki ai ngā whāinga kanorau koiora.

“He kāinga a Tīkapa Moana ki te huhua o ngā nōhanga, tae ana ki ngā moenga kuhakuha, ki ngā ngahere rimurapa, ki ngā kāoa kopī anō hoki. Me te aha, kotahi hautoru o ngā momo manu moana e whakatipu hua ana ki Aotearoa nei, kei te whanga tonu e whakakōhanga ana.

“Kei te whakatū mātou i ngā takiwā whakamaru moana 19 e tata huatoru ai ngā takiwā whakamaru o te whanga.”

Ka tautoko tēnei Pire i tā te Kāwanatanga whakatutuki i ngā whāinga ōhanga,  i ngā whāinga kaupare hoki i ngā wero ki te taiao.

“Ko te painga atu o Tīkapa Moana, he kauwaka hoki ia mō ngā hua ā-ōhanga, kaupapa tāpoi mai, kaupapa hī ika mai anō hoki. E ai ki tētahi arotake nā te Kura Rangahau Ōhanga o Aotearoa, he $100 piriona te wāriu o ngā hua ā-ōhanga o Tīkapa Moana.

“Ko ā mātou panonitanga he mea e mātua aro ana ki te whakatūria o ngā takiwā whakamaru moana e āta tātari ana i ngā pīrangi ā-hapori, ā-taiao, ā-ōhanga anō hoki. Hei tauira, ko te āta aro ki te kawenga tonu o ngā ritenga hī ika arumoni kore.

“Ka whakaaehia te whakamahinga o ngā kupenga mōhiti ki ngā takiwā whakamaru mō ētahi kaihī e whāngai ana i ngā hapori ā-rohe. He iti noa ngā pānga o tēnei āhuatanga ki te taiao i tua atu o ngā momo kua whakatauria.

“Ā tōna wā, ka aroturukihia ngā hua o ngā takiwā whakamaru aronui me ngā takiwā whakamaru kei te takere o te moana. He mea tautoko ā-tahua tēnei e te Utu Manuhiri ā-Ao me te whakaraupapatia o ngā kaupapa matua o te Tahua Whāomoomo.

“Mā te kokoti i ngā here ā-ture, te whakatupu pūtea me te poipoi i ngā kaupapa kaingākau, kei te whakarite tātou i tētahi anamata ā-koiora hei whakahīhītanga mā Aotearoa whānui.”