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Source: New Zealand Government

This week’s South Pacific Defence Ministers’ Meeting (SPDMM) has concluded with a renewed commitment to regional security of all types, Defence Minister Judith Collins says.

Defence Ministers and senior civilian and military officials from Australia, Chile, Fiji, France, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and Tonga gathered in Auckland to discuss defence and security cooperation in the South Pacific. 

“We all want to see regional security, and that means protecting our maritime areas, improving the effectiveness of our Defence Forces and adapting to the impacts of climate change,” Ms Collins says.

“The South Pacific is our home. We all benefit from working together and sharing knowledge to support a secure, stable and prosperous region.

“This year’s meeting further fostered the spirit of collaboration among trusted partners.

“Members shared their views on security challenges, as well as the role of emerging technology, in responding to these challenges, and collective approaches to improving the effectiveness of the region’s Defence Forces.”

“Members agreed on the importance of working with civilian agencies when it comes to supporting humanitarian assistance and disaster relief efforts, and in the areas of combating maritime security threats such as illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing and transnational organised crime. 

“These are issues that have significant impact on many South Pacific nations which, like New Zealand, have large Exclusive Economics Zones.”

SPDMM member countries discussed approaches to non-traditional security challenges, where South Pacific militaries have come together in response to regional security challenges, and co-deploying to help communities recover from cyclones, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, bushfire and floods. 

“SPDMM is a unique dialogue and coordination platform that enables collective action and leadership among South Pacific Nations. In a region this size it is vital we work together on our shared challenges with our shared values,” Ms Collins says.

“It has been an absolute honour to host SPDMM 2024 in Auckland and I wish Chile all the best for SPDMM 2025.”

A full summary of key outcomes from the 2024 South Pacific Defence Ministers meeting can be found in the Joint Communique.