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Source: Palestinian Solidarity Network Aotearoa (PSNA)


It’s appalling but not surprising to see the New Zealand government condemn Iran’s attack on Israel while refusing to condemn any of Israel’s inflammatory actions designed to provoke Iran into a wider Middle East war.


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Israel’s deliberate provocations to create a wider Middle East war include:



“We are used to government hypocrisy in condemning every act of Palestinian resistance as terrorism but refusing to condemn Israel’s wholesale slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza or Lebanese civilians in Lebanon but latest this government tweet is hypocrisy on steroids,” says PSNA National Chair John Minto.  


“Israel is the aggressor here, Israel is breaching international law, Israel is pushing to widen the war and yet the government points the finger at Israel’s victims”


New Zealanders are bigger than this level of unprincipled, cowardly response.  


John Minto

National Chair PSNA