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Source: Statistics New Zealand

Injury statistics – work-related claims: 2023 24 September 2024 – Injury statistics for work-related claims give information about claims accepted by ACC for work-related injuries.

Key facts

  • A total of 226,600 work-related injury claims were made in 2023 (up 1,200 from 2022).
  • The incidence rate for claims related to work-related injuries was 86 claims per 1,000 full-time equivalent employees (FTEs) in 2023. This is the lowest rate since the start of the series in 2002.
  • The manufacturing; agriculture, forestry, and fishing; and construction industries had the highest incidence rates of work-related injury claims in 2023.
  • Trades workers had the highest number of claims by occupation in 2023, with 39,000 claims.

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