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Source: New Zealand Government

Thank you for the introduction and the invitation to speak to you here today.

I would like to start by saying a big thank you to all the caregivers in the room, and those not able to be here today, for all that you do for our children and young people. 

Without caregivers providing safe, stable homes for children, Oranga Tamariki would not be able to do the work that it does.  

I came to Parliament believing changes can be made that will make caregiving more purposeful – and allow caregivers to make more decisions for children in their care.

Hearing the voices of carers – and ensuring they can access support they need – is critical to ensuring the Ministry is performing at the level New Zealanders expect.

As Minister for Children, my first and most important priority is always to ensure Oranga Tamariki is relentlessly focused on the safety of the children and young people in its care, and the children that come to its attention.

All children deserve to wake up in the morning and feel safe and loved.

To ensure the Ministry remains focused on what is important – and promote greater transparency about its performance – I have asked Oranga Tamariki to report quarterly on five key performance indicators.

These reflect the areas I know will make the biggest difference to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people in the care of the state. 

One of these areas specifically talks about caregivers, and making sure they feel supported. 

This key performance indicator will see Oranga Tamariki now regularly report the results of a continuous rolling survey of caregivers. 

This survey will ask carers directly whether you are feeling supported.

It will ask if you would recommend becoming a caregiver, or are thinking about stopping being a caregiver – and why.

This will help to ensure caregivers are getting – and continue to get – the support they need as they open their hearts and homes to children and young people.

I am confident this new approach – centred around key performance indicators and quarterly reporting – will promote accountability and better performance across the organisation.

Children deserve the best care they can possibly get regardless of the race, religion, colour, or ethnicity of those people who are charged with the responsibility of nurturing, mentoring, educating, protecting and loving them.

As I’ve said previously, I intend to improve the rights and responsibilities of caregivers, giving them greater autonomy and making it easier for carers to offer safe, stable and loving homes for children.

I would once again like to express my sincere gratitude for the support caregivers provide our children and young people when they need it the most.

I am confident the changes I am implementing at Oranga Tamariki will keep children and young people at the centre of their work – and improve the support received by our children, young people, their families, and caregivers. 

Thank you.