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Source: New Zealand Transport Agency


NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) re-opened SH73 between Otira and Arthur’s Pass overnight from the past weekend. An additional project at McGrath Creek bridge, which would have affected night travellers this week, has been pushed out to next week.

Rock Shelter remediation continues for four more weeks

SH73 has been closed overnight and with restricted hours daytimes since the end of August after rockfall began overspilling the Rock Shelter in the Otira Gorge onto the traffic lane. The daytime travel delays continue for the next four weeks, with traffic passing between Otira and Arthur’s Pass at the top of each hour 9 am to 5 pm.

  • On weekends and overnights SH73 between Otira and Arthur’s Pass will be open unrestricted unless other work or weather conditions cause a change.
  • Work at McGrath Creek bridge has been rescheduled to next week at night, Sunday 29 September to Monday, 7 October.  There will be up to one-hour delays between 8pm and 6am.  The road will be open on the hour to clear traffic, with vehicles queued either side of the bridge work site.
  • This work is subject to weather and may be rescheduled.

The Lewis Pass via Waipara and Reefton, SH7, is the alternative route adding around an hour to the journey between Canterbury and the West Coast.

McGrath Creek Bridge, close to Arthur’s Pass village – work is now rescheduled to next week overnight:
