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Source: ACT Party

“The Greenpeace protestors who have locked themselves in the Wellington offices of Straterra are nothing more than thugs harassing productive Kiwis who just want to build a wealthier country”, says ACT’s Energy and Resources spokesperson Simon Court.

Greenpeace protestors have occupied the Wellington offices of the mining group Straterra. Three protestors have locked themselves inside the building, and two more have climbed onto an awning at the front of the building.

“Not content with holding up renewable energy projects in court, Greenpeace have moved on to harassing the people representing one of our critical industries.

“Greenpeace opposes mining anywhere and everywhere in New Zealand. Their anti-mining position is actually anti-progress and anti-humanity.

“New Zealanders who wonder how they’re going get ahead in life and are considering mining as a career have only one option: move to Australia. New Zealanders need better jobs and higher incomes and that is what mining offers.

“Greenpeace activists should consider doing something constructive with their lives instead of harassing productive New Zealanders who just want to get ahead.”