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Source: Hapai Te Hauora

Hāpai Te Hauora support the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Amendment Bill 2024, a proactive step to protect rangatahi which are not without harm. This bill addresses growing concerns from communities about youth vaping and includes several measures to reduce the uptake of vaping by youth.
1. Stronger Restrictions on Youth Access: This bill proposes stricter rules on selling and advertising vaping products to minors. It aims to limit exposure and access to these products in areas where rangatahi often spend time.
2. Enhanced Health Warnings: The bill introduces ‘black box’ warnings on vaping products to clearly highlight potential health risks and discourage use.
3. Limitations on Flavoured Products: The bill limits flavoured vaping products. Aiming to make vaping less appealing for rangatahi.
4. Strengthened Compliance and Enforcement: The bill includes enhanced enforcement measures to ensure the new rules are followed, including higher penalties for selling to minors.
Hāpai te Hauora recognises the importance of these measures in addressing rangatahi uptake and support the bill’s intentions. However we acknowledge the need to ensure that the legislation does not inadvertently negatively impact adults who use or are looking to utilise vaping as a tool to quit smoking.
“Ideally, our whānau will not be smoking or vaping at all. But with the current vaping pandemic across our rangatahi, we must acknowledge the potential benefits of this bill for them,” said Jacqui  Harema, Chief Executive Officer of Hāpai Te Hauora. “These measures are a practical move towards reducing its prevalence amongst our rangatahi. We are committed to supporting the implementation of this legislation while advocating for a fair approach that considers all groups”