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Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

4 mins ago

Dr Chey Dearing, a Principal Academic Staff Member (PASM) in EIT’s School of Nursing, has led research that shows that tthousands of New Zealanders, especially people of Māori ,Pacific, or Asian ethnicity are not getting proper bowel cancer screening.

Thousands of New Zealanders, especially people of Māori ,Pacific, or Asian ethnicity are not getting proper bowel cancer screening, EIT-led research has found.

The new research, led by Dr Chey Dearing, a Principal Academic Staff Member (PASM) in EIT’s School of Nursing, shows that in ten years more than 7,000 eligible people tried but failed, due to an error with the bowel cancer screening test or it not being done properly.

The research has just been published in the New Zealand Medical Journal with Dr Dearing as the lead author. The article is entitled Attempt to engage, yet failure to obtain successful bowel cancer screening: more likely in Māori, Pacific peoples, Asians, men and high deprivation areas. Other authors are Louise O’Connor, Gastroenterology Nurse, Gastroenterology Department, Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital; Georgia C Dearing, Health Science Student, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, The University of Auckland; and Bernard McEntee, Consultant General Surgeon, Gastroenterology Department, Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital.

Dearing says the people who are most likely to miss out on proper screening are people of Māori or Asian or Pacific ethnicity. Males were also more likely to miss out.

In New Zealand, bowel cancer, also known as colorectal cancer (CRC), is the second highest cause of cancer death. The researchers sought to characterise a unique population, the individuals who attempt to engage one or multiple times with screening yet fail to ever obtain successful screening. They did this by analysing data from the New Zealand National Bowel Screening Programme from 2012 to 2022.

The research shows that more than 7,000 individuals (1.26% of all participants) have attempted but failed to be successfully screened in the national bowel screening programme. In the first place, many factors including ethnicity, gender, language barriers and socio-economic status reduce participation in such screening. Targeted interventions to improve Māori and Pacific peoples’ participation show modest 2–5% increases or even reduced participation.

Dearing says that 7,126 (1.26 percent) failed to get tested properly for a variety of reasons. Bowel cancer screening tests that were returned but were unable to be processed are known as “spoilt kits”.

“Spoilt kits are technical errors, including reasons such as consent forms not being signed or dated, barcodes not being attached to the sample, insufficient sample collected, kits being outside expiry dates and other similar errors,” says Dearing.

Further compounding the issue was that when someone submitted a first “spoilt” kit, even though they were sent another (with some even contacted directly) they failed to respond or sent a second faulty kit back.

Dearing says that there are important variations in the failure to successfully receive CRC screening by gender, age, ethnicity, deprivation level and screening year, but says there are some solutions available.

“We suggest drop-off location checking services for all participants are required at locations determined after consultation with stakeholders. This might be in high-deprivation areas, or where culturally appropriate, perhaps located on maraes and other community centres.”