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Source: New Zealand Labour Party

New figures released by Statistics New Zealand today show how government policies that stop progress, work and jobs affects real New Zealanders. 

“Today’s unemployment figures show how the government’s choices can hurt everyday New Zealanders. Unemployment of 4.6% might just be a number, but to me, that is an additional 9000 people without a job and money coming into their household,” Labour finance spokesperson Barbara Edmonds said.

“Many economists predicted unemployment would rise, with the Treasury predicting it will still reach 5.3% this year. Yet the government has done nothing to support people into work or provide any certainty or confidence for the business community.

New Zealand has gone from having one of the lowest unemployment rates under Labour, to now having a higher rate than comparable countries like the UK (4.3%), Australia (4%), the US (4%), and Ireland (4.3%).

“The cancellation of large infrastructure works, including schools, hospitals and public houses has left the construction industry in limbo. Since the Government took office, the number of people working in construction has reduced by 6000 and residential building consents had an annual 36% drop in June. These people might still have a job if the Government had a plan for infrastructure.

“Yet instead of a plan to get the 21,000 people needing a hand to get off a benefit since they took office, National’s approach is to make getting that support harder. That’s despite way fewer new jobs available, with jobs ads having slumped 32% on an annual basis. Although the number of jobs in the economy increased in June, it is not enough to match the higher number of people looking for work.

“Today’s news comes as the manufacturing industry faces an uncertain future too. Within three days, 300 roles have been paused. In Oji’s Penrose mill, 75 people are being consulted today on its closure due to the high cost of electricity.

“Even nurses and doctors are being told there aren’t any jobs available, despite the desperate need in our hospitals and GP clinics across the country.

“With increasing unemployment and fewer prospects at home, New Zealanders will have no other choice but to look overseas. The government should reverse its reckless choices in infrastructure, health and education, to give people certainty and back them into work so they can support their families,” Barbara Edmonds said.

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