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Source: Statistics New Zealand

Employment indicators: June 2024 – information release – 29 July 2024 – Employment indicators provide an early indication of changes in the labour market.

Timing of redundancy payments in MEI data: Any reduction in filled jobs from a redundancy payment will be represented in the data over the following month. For example, an employee’s job would be counted in May but not in June if their final pay, which includes a redundancy payment, is in May. The MEI measures filled jobs, which means vacancies are not captured.

Key facts
Changes in the seasonally adjusted filled jobs for the June 2024 month (compared with the May 2024 month) were:

  • all industries – down 0.1 percent (1,766 jobs) to 2.38 million filled jobs
  • primary industries – down 0.5 percent (538 jobs)
  • goods-producing industries – up 0.2 percent (798 jobs)
  • service industries – down 0.1 percent (2,388 jobs).

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