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Source: Business Canterbury

Business Canterbury is throwing its support behind the launch of Christchurch’s new Community Beat Teams launched today, which are set to enhance safety and security in the city’s commercial areas.
The initiative sees additional police officers patrolling Christchurch’s streets, shopping malls, and transport hubs with the aim of a more visible policing service to the local business community, residents and tourists.
Leeann Watson, Chief Executive at Business Canterbury says “The introduction of Community Beat Teams is a significant step forward in ensuring the safety and security of our business districts. Our members have consistently highlighted the need for increased police visibility, and we’re happy to see this proactive approach being implemented after a year of advocacy on the issue.”
“We believe this initiative will encourage more people to visit, shop, and enjoy our commercial areas, which is vital for the ongoing growth of Christchurch and Canterbury.”
As Christchurch builds towards a team of 18 officers providing seven-day coverage, Business Canterbury will continue to support and advocate for further initiatives to be developed that help actively manage this nationwide issue here in Canterbury.
About Business Canterbury
Business Canterbury, formerly Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce, is the largest business support agency in the South Island and advocates on behalf of its members for an environment more favourable to innovation, productivity and sustainable growth.