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Source: Ia Ara Aotearoa Transporting New Zealand

Road freight peak body Ia Ara Aotearoa Transporting New Zealand says it welcomes the announcement that all fixed speed cameras will be signposted by June 2025.
Interim CEO Dom Kalasih says the commitment by Transport Minister Simeon Brown to have all fixed speed cameras clearly identified offers more carrot and less stick to road users.
“We agree with the minister that cameras should be about safety, and not revenue gathering,” Mr. Kalasih says.
“Fixed speed cameras are a useful way to improve road safety, particularly in high crash areas. By posting warnings you achieve the result you want, but without hitting people with fines.
“Excess speed is one of the biggest dangers on the roads. Truck drivers see the results of poor driving decisions all too often, and we are always keen to support measures that keep everyone on the roads safe.”
About Ia Ara Aotearoa Transporting New Zealand
Ia Ara Aotearoa Transporting New Zealand is the peak national membership association representing the road freight transport industry. Our members operate urban, rural and inter- regional commercial freight transport services throughout the country.
New Zealand’s road freight transport industry employs 33,000 people (1.2 per cent of the total workforce), and has a gross annual turnover in the order of $6 billion. This is part of a wider transport sector that employs 108,000 people and contributes 4.8 per cent of New Zealand’s GDP.