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Source: Department of Conservation

Date:  10 July 2024

“Te taiao (our environment) is critical for the country’s present and future. Whether it’s the sound of birds in a forest or the sight of whales in the sea – we have intergenerational responsibilities to protect and enhance te taiao so future generations can visit and enjoy too.”

“Some of the projects include reinstating walking access to the beautiful Cathedral Cove – Mautohe in Coromandel after terrible damage from Cyclone Gabrielle. I have confirmed a short-term fix in time for summer.”

“This funding will also help toward eradicating pests from the Maukahuka – Auckland Island – a key step in more than 30 years of work restoring this Subantarctic World Heritage area.”

“Te Papa Atawhai – the Department of Conservation and I are always looking to better protect for our country’s rich biodiversity and special places.”

“The International Visitor Levy supports major projects protecting and enhancing New Zealand’s beautiful flora, fauna and making it easier for New Zealanders to experience nature.”

“The levy is currently a $35 cost that is charged to most international visitors to our shores, which aims to boost conservation and tourism.”

“All of this mahi (work) helps to ensure New Zealanders can continue to enjoy all the benefits of living on the most beautiful country on Earth.”

Background information

International Visitor Levy conservation funding initiatives 2024 – funding breakdown:

  • Coromandel’s Cathedral Cove will receive $5m to plan, build, reopen and maintain an overland track as part of continued recovery work from Cyclone Gabrielle damage.
  • $6 m will go towards enhancing tracks and expanding DOC’s network of short walks and day hikes so more people are encouraged to enjoy a great day out in nature.
  • A new programme to support the maintenance and management of Huts of Recreational Importance through partnerships will benefit from funding of $4.2 million over the next four years.
  • Work to eradicate the aggressive coastal weed known as sea spurge will get a boost of $1.28 m towards protecting New Zealand coastlines.
  • There will be a $3.65 m investment in the groundwork needed to progress the eradication of pigs, cats, and mice from Auckland Islands/Maukahuka.
  • Over the next three years, $5 million will be invested in information and advocacy activities to connect people to nature and visitor experiences across the country, and make it easier for people to get involved through activities like donating, volunteering and investing.
