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Source: Statistics NZ

Dwelling and household estimates are used for many purposes including planning, policy formation, business decisions, and as ‘bottom lines’ in the calculation of market coverage rates.

Key facts

At 30 June 2024, the estimated number of:

  • private dwellings is 2,089,400
  • households is 2,012,400.

Access data in Infoshare

Use Infoshare for quarterly dwelling and household estimates data:

Subject category: Population
Group: Demography dwelling and household estimates – DDE

There are six series for this data – as at quarter ended, mean quarter ended, and mean year ended, for both dwellings and households. Choose the series you wish to view, and then select the variables required (for the latest data, choose the top quarter shown). Tables can be downloaded/saved by choosing the relevant option under the ‘Save table’ drop-down box.