Source: Tertiary Education Commission
Supplementary Plan Guidance gives TEOs additional information about our approach to investment in 2025, following the publication of Plan Guidance (PDF 5.3 MB). Supplementary Plan Guidance contains Budget 2024 decisions and confirms what TEOs need to include in their Investment Plans.
The Government is still considering funding and policy changes to vocational education. These decisions are yet to be made, but we will release updated information once it’s available.
In the current fiscally constrained environment, we need to make investment decisions that have the greatest impact on the network of provision and that align with our investment priorities (see Plan Guidance, pp. 49–69). We expect levels of achievement for all learners to improve and will carefully consider areas of poorest performing provision when making funding decisions.
When developing an Investment Plan, TEOs should read Supplementary Plan Guidance alongside Plan Guidance. Both published documents are available at Guidance to develop your Investment Plan. For new, detailed guidance when developing a Learner Success Plan or Learner Success significant update see Guidance for TEOs submitting a Learner Success Plan (PDF 383 KB).
For a general overview of TEC’s Investment Round, see:
If you have any questions about investment guidance, please contact your Relationship Manager or call our Customer Contact Group on 0800 601 301.