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Source: New Zealand Parliament

The Finance and Expenditure Committee is calling for public submissions on its inquiry into climate adaptation. The inquiry has the following terms of reference:

  • The purpose of the inquiry is to develop and recommend high-level objectives and principles for the design of a climate change adaptation model for New Zealand, to support the development of policy and legislation to address climate adaptation.
  • For this purpose, the committee must consider the following topics:
    • the nature of the climate adaptation problem New Zealand faces
    • frameworks for investment and cost-sharing
    • roles and responsibilities
    • climate risk and response information-sharing.
  • The committee may, as it thinks fit, consider other matters relevant to the purpose of the inquiry.
  • The committee must take account of submissions received by the Environment Committee on its recent inquiry into climate adaptation.
  • The committee must finally report on the inquiry by 5 September 2024.

Submissions process:

The written submissions received by the Environment Committee for their inquiry into climate adaptation will be considered by the Finance and Expenditure Committee. These submitters are welcome to make a supplementary submission with any new information they wish to share, but do not need to repeat what was in their original submission.

The Finance and Expenditure Committee has published online a document that summaries the submissions made on the Environment Committee’s inquiry. The committee invites any new submissions to comment on the content of this document.

Tell the Finance and Expenditure Committee what you think:

Make a submission on the inquiry by 11.59pm on 16 June 2024.

Related documents:


For media enquiries contact:

Finance and Expenditure Committee Staff