Parliament Hansard Report – Urgent Debates Declined — Newshub Closure—Ministerial Response – 001295


Source: New Zealand Parliament – Hansard


Closure of NewshubMinisterial Response

SPEAKER: Members, I’ve received a letter from the Hon Willie Jackson seeking to debate under Standing Order 399 the ministerial response to the confirmed closure of Newstalk—oh, sorry; of Newshub. [Interruption] Yeah, turn off the alarms! I should read that again.

I’ve received a letter from the Hon Willie Jackson seeking to debate under Standing Order 399 the ministerial response to the confirmed closure of Newshub. The member’s authentication shows that the Government has said it is working towards a solution. Urgent debates are a way of holding the Government to account for its actions, not for things that might happen in the future—Speakers’ rulings 216/4 and 222/2. The application’s therefore declined. I make this announcement now because the general debate is an opportunity for members to raise matters of concern that may be organisationally useful to know this decision now.


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