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Source: Tertiary Education Commission

Last updated 20 November 2023
Last updated 20 November 2023



In late February 2024, the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) will release guidance to tertiary providers on what to include in their Investment Plan for 2025.
In late February 2024, the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) will release guidance to tertiary providers on what to include in their Investment Plan for 2025.

Plan Guidance, the Strategic Intent and Learner Success Plan template and the Gazette notice for Investment Plans will all be available in late February 2024. These documents contain information about our priorities and expectations for provision in 2025 and how your Plans will reflect this.
For this funding round the information released in February 2024 will contain our overarching priorities for investment as well as some specific target areas in provision for foundation, vocational and higher education. We are also incorporating into Plan Guidance the improvements in performance outcomes we are looking for from TEOs to achieve our investment priorities. Previously, we released this information as Investment Briefs.
Investment Round indicative timeline for 2025
To help you prepare for the next funding round, we are releasing an indicative timeline of the major milestones that will occur for investment in 2025.



TEC releases Plan Guidance and Plan engagement begins

End of February 2024

TEC publishes notices in the New Zealand Gazette setting out requirements for Plan content, timetable, assessment, and Plan summaries

End of February 2024

Government announces Budget

May 2024

TEC provides indicative allocations

By 4 June 2024

TEC releases Mix of Provision (MoP) and Educational Performance Indicator Commitment (EPIC) templates

By 10 June 2024

TEC releases Supplementary Plan Guidance to reflect any policy or Budget changes (as required)

June 2024

Providers submit proposed Plans, including MoPs, EPICs, Learner Success Plans (LSPs) and Disability Action Plans (DAPs)

By 5 July 2024

TEC reviews proposed Plans and has further discussion with providers as needed

July–October 2024

Providers are notified of decisions in writing

From November 2024

First payments made against Plans; Plan delivery begins

January 2025